When I was young I wanted to be a writer. One of my most cherished memories was when I was in the 1st grade. Mrs. Zaladonis was my teacher (one of my favorite to this day). I had written and illustrated some short stories, and one day I gathered up the courage to show her my favorite one. It was about a turtle who had super powers (toootally different from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I'm sure)... but that doesn't matter. What mattered was that instead of brushing me off, she took it from me and read every word. She stapled the edges of the pages together, stood up walked over to the bookshelf... I thought I was going to have a heart attack. That was my heart and soul on those pages!! Did she hate it? Was she going to laugh at me in front of the class? Did she realize my story was suspiciously close to the story line off of last Saturdays episode of TMNT? I held my breath, my feet frozen in my pink light up jelly shoes. Mrs. Z turned and announced to the class "Jaymie has written a really great story, if any of you want to read it, it will be here with all the other books!"
     I will NEVER forget what it felt like to watch her place my words in between Are You My Mother? and Clifford the Big Red Dog. Yes, Mrs. Z made me feel good about my story, but even more than that... she changed my life. She showed me that I have something to say, and that people just might want to hear it. Mix that with my OBSESSION with Andi Anderson "Resident How To Girl" from 'How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days' and my fate was set.
      Now, I am not saying I'm a great writer... I was in journalism and A.P. English classes all through school, and it slowly became apparent to me that writing was not what I loved, it was communicating. I LOVE the chance we all have every day to meet someone and learn from them. I see every day as a chance to learn HOW TO live your best life. The social exchange of  text, tweet, instagram picture, email, blog post, or (my all time favorite) the spoken word, is my PASSION. I have made a career out of helping young girls learn how to communicate... how to recognize the goodness in their lives, and share that with others. Thats why I started this blog.. Im not in it for the selfies, or to show people how big my makeup collection is, (but do be warned, I am not above the occasional selfie;)).  Im doing this to share.. Im doing this because lots of people throughout my life have reaffirmed what Mrs. Z taught me at such a young age.. we ALL have something to say, to teach and to learn... This is my place to do it!


  1. Hi Jaymie! I have a couple friends that are your friends so that is how I found out about you and then I saw you had a blog and YouTube channel and I decided to follow cause 1 you are gorgeous and 2 I figured I could learn a few things from you! Ha. I am so excited to follow you and see what you post and I love this post!! :) congrats on the blog and maybe we'll run into to each other someday grocery shopping or something! Ha. Actually funny story! I had just looked at your garage sale page and then we ran into Kmarts closing thing and I saw you and your family there and our babies were smiling at each other but I didn't want to say anything cause I was like ya I don't want her to think I'm a creep! Lol. And also I met your mom one time in high school, I don't even remember how but she had said something about you and pageants! Haha. I thought that was so cool! Anyway... I look forward to your posts and to learning from you! :)

    1. Thank you Aubree!! I love that story... Next time we will have to actually talk so we can be real life friends and not just social media friends :) Thanks soo much for checking out my blog... I seriously appreciate it!

  2. I am SO excited! I was telling my sister in law how much you helped me last summer and now I can spread the love!!!!!! Hooray! <3

    1. Thank you my dear!! I loved helping you last summer... :):):) And yes PLEASE do spread the love.. I need all the 'shares' I can get. Thank you so so much!!

  3. Anonymous20.7.14

    Will you do a review and tutorial on the skin whitening mask you mentioned in your video for scarring? That would be awesome!
    Thanks :)


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