Christmas Eve 2016
Christmas is always magical... but when you add a 3 year old to the mix, its extra extra special. Even though Gemma and I were sick (she got influenza 3 days before, and I didn't feel good from staying up with her all week!) we managed to have the perfect Christmas. This year it was our turn to be with my side of the family. As per tradition we went to my parents house for Christmas Eve Dinner. Christmas eve is my favorite day of the year. All the excitement and build up, without the sadness of Christmas being over!
Gemma is so lucky to have all these cute cousins who take SUCH good care of her.
My mom always does the cutest table set up for the kids. Its always so fun to come in and see what goodies are sitting at their special place. This year those doggy piggy banks were a hit!
It was so fun hearing my parents share their Christmas traditions from growing up. Here is my dad explaining marzipan to us. His mom was straight from Germany-- he explained that she spoke German some fun things about her, (none of us ever got to meet her, she passed away when he was really young) and he shared his love of marzipan, that he got from her.
Can you see the excitement from the kids wanting to try marzipan?? I thought they'd hate it.. but they all liked it!
Then my mom told a fun story from her youth, every Christmas her dad would get their horse "Lucky" and strap him to a toboggan and pull the kids around the streets of down town Salt Lake City. This is her glass blown ornament tree. I think its my favorite tree ever. Some of those ornaments date way way back and belonged to her mom. Its the most gorgeous tree you'll ever see.
Then it was time to open presents. My parents really hit it out of the park this year! Gemma got her prized possession, what she wanted more than anything for Christmas - A giant, bigger than her, Elsa Doll. and a pink basketball hoop. She was in heaven. I was really stoked about my gifts too. We got an awesome, much needed, printer for our house. An insta pot (can't wait to make some good food in there!) and a Sprocket (if you haven't seen those.. you need to they are amazing.. prints photos right from your phone and small enough to keep in your purse!)
Then we all played battlebots and ate good food and just soaked in being together... before the mad rush of filling our cars with gifts and running to Rexburg. We were lucky enough to catch SANTA!! He came to my sisters house, and Gemma got to see him walking down the street ringing his bells. It was straight up magic I tell you. She was so full of Christmas joy... I'll never forget the look on her face, she saw him and just gave me the tightest hug. It was my favorite moment of Christmas. Christmas Day Coming soon!
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